Life is busy. It always pays to take some time out of your day to do something special for yourself. It may be sitting in the sun with a hot cuppa, having a long-overdue catch up with friends or family, or even binge-watching your favourite show on Netflix.
Here at Canon Street Optometrists, we can help brighten your day by giving your glasses a tune-up – cleaning, straightening, fitting, or tightening – all complimentary services offered to you.
If it’s new nose-pads you need, or perhaps you have a screw loose (or even missing) – come on in to see us and we’ll have you sorted in no time.
In order to get the best out of your stylish glasses and functional contact lenses, here are some tips and tricks.
DO remove them using both hands to avoid stretching or potentially snapping your frame.
DON’T place them on hard surfaces with the lenses facing down as this could scratch the lenses.
DO keep them in their case when you’re not using them, being careful not to leave them somewhere that they might get too hot.
DON’T wear glasses that are damaged or have the wrong prescription – this could potentially cause eye fatigue or impair your vision.
DO keep your glasses clean by following the instructions provided from your friendly optometrist.
“On your face or in their case”
Contact Lenses
DO wash your hands with a mild soap before handling your contact lenses.
DO leave your lenses out if you have an infection or irritation of any kind.
DON’T wear on long-haul flights (more than three hours), as the cabin pressure could cause your eyes to dry.
DO soak for six hours (or overnight) to disinfect your lenses (except if you have dailies).
DO remember that dailies are for single use only.
DO come in for an annual contact lens check so our optometrists can check the health of your eye.
DO remove your contact lenses overnight (unless otherwise directed by your optometrist).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your glasses, contact lenses, or any other vision-related matters, we are only a phone call, email, or visit away.

Clare Coventry
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